Hi everyone! Although I am STILL in the process of decorating my first apartment (yes I know it’s been over a year,) I wanted to share with you my llama themed bathroom for some unique inspo. Not only is it super colorful and fun, but it’s totally different!
I don’t know what the deal is this past year, but it seems like llama decor is everywhere! It’s so funny to me but so cute at the same time. I decorated my entire bathroom in colorful llama decor and everything is pretty much from Homegoods. However, I wanted to share some similar pieces with you if you want to decorate your bathroom in something as fun as this theme. I just think it’s so cheerful when you wake up in the a.m and see this.. haha.
Although I bought all of these decor items around a year ago there are still a ton on the market. Looking Wayfair alone there was over 35 pages of llama decor alone! That’s crazy! There’s also a ton on amazon and I’m sure you can find a lot at your local home goods as well. I’ve linked some of my favorites above.
The trinket tray on the left is super cute and I found some cheap ones on amazon that I love. The photo on the right my mom actually made out of a gift bag and framed it, however, like I said there is a ton online.
You really can’t go wrong with this theme because it’s so cheerful and colorful. I have yet to see anyone have this theme in their bathroom but I love the idea. If you guys decide to decorate yours this way please tag me on instagram @selahchristeen so I can see, or let me know down below in the comments:)